Renting a box truck and hauling for Amazon relay with your own authority might be the easiest way to start a trucking company ever. So I lay out some pros and cons of this strategy with the consideration of your trucking insurance….it plays a hug part!
Steps to starting your Box Truck Business:
1️⃣Register your business
Search google: “[your state] Secretary of State”
Or use LegalZoom:
Cost varies by state
2️⃣Request an EIN (Tax ID)
IRS website:
Free if you do it yourself
LegalZoom can include this if you go through them
3️⃣Setup a bank account and sign up for QuickBooks
QuickBooks – $7/month:
***Big banks have better technology***
4️⃣Setup two email addresses
1 for important business, 1 for your motor carrier application so you can weed out all the marketing
Google Custom Email:
Use promo codes for 10% off:
Starter Plan – $6: U9CC7FHR3R4R9FG
Standard Plan – $12: E9NCH9XFED6DV9Q
5️⃣Get another phone number to avoid unwanted marketing calls/texts
One Talk: $25/month
Once you download the app, setup your voicemail and forward all calls straight to voicemail
6️⃣Apply for your Motor Carrier Authority
Application: $300
Watch this video for step by step guide:
Seriously watch this video and don’t mess it up, takes forever to fix mistakes
7️⃣Get your BOC-3 and UCR
BOC-3 – $25:
UCR – $62:
8️⃣DOT Physical Exam for Medical Card
Find a local examiner:
~$85 – $100
9️⃣Fill out this Quote Form for Insurance
Quote Form:
*If you are in a state that I’m not licensed in yet, I’ll forward you this form and it will have exactly what you need to get a quote in your state.
1️⃣0️⃣Setup freight factoring and fuel cards
RTS Financial:
RTS is by far the best for both factoring and fuel cards plus they offer special rates for Amazon Relay
1️⃣1️⃣Find an amazing dispatcher
Interview several, don’t look for the cheapest, you absolutely want the best
If they charge more than others, that probably means they are better
1️⃣2️⃣Sign up for DAT
Truckers Edge – $39.95/month:
DAT Power – $149/month:
First month is free, start learning how to use these
1️⃣3️⃣Shop Box Truck Rental Rates in your area, let them know you are a motor carrier for Amazon, some provide better rates for this
Request a Budget account here:
1️⃣4️⃣New Entrant Phone Call
You will get a letter in the mail from FMCSA for your audit call. Do this ASAP. It’s easy, they basically just go over your application to verify what you’ve entered.
1️⃣5️⃣Pay your down payment for insurance close to the 21st day after applying for your authority
You have to wait 21 days from the time you apply for your Authority and you want to make your insurance effective a couple days prior to that to make sure the insurance company has time to process the filings so your MC will be active on the 21st day.
1️⃣6️⃣Apply to brokers
C.H. Robinson:
Coyote Carriers:
Choptank Transport:
Trinity Logistics:
Integrity Express Logistics:
1️⃣7️⃣Gather your documents in a single binder
Sheet Protectors:
Order Door Magnets
Optional if you have a rental truck less than 30 days at a time
Promo Code – 15% off: CHARLESSTRING
Order a Rexing Dashcam
Commercial vehicles get blamed for accidents even when its not really your fault, dash cams help fight back.
Have any questions? Talk to us!